Yoga Classes

Beginners Class
This is a class for the complete beginner. Initially the class begins with light breathing practices and meditation followed by warm up exercises, so the body is more ready to try more traditional yoga poses. The beginners class consists of 5 classes, after which the student can continue in segments of 5 classes if they wish to progress further.
If you have experience in yoga then you need to contact me and we can discuss an appropriate class that suits your abilities and needs.

Intermediate Class
This class is for students with one to two years experience. You should be able to maintain a stable Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) for at least 5 minutes, and have established some independent home practice. Pranyama and meditation is practiced in each class. All classes are paid in 5 class segments. Drop in students are welcome.

7.00 – 8.15 pmBeginnersIntermediateBeginnersNew Beginners
8.30 – 9.45pmImproversNew BeginnersImprovers

Class Prices
Classes are paid in 5 week intervals, 5 Classes – € 50

You are welcome to pay as you go or for one off drop in Classes.
1 Drop in Class – € 12

Private Yoga Session Pricing
If you’re just beginning, or want to take your practice to the next level? Schedule a private session. One-on-one attention or small private sessions are necessary to evaluate and correct alignment in postures, and to ensure proper understanding of each pose. Prepare to be showered with attention during your session.